The summer is coming and so are hot, humid days. Do you want to be wearing that long-sleeve button-up shirt on a scorching day? No! It would be best if you had a t-shirt. The problem is, where do you get one without having to go through the hassle of looking around in stores for hours on end? We have the answer with our 7 top places to find your perfect t-shirt this summer.

  • Target: One of the most popular stores for t-shirts, Target has a wide variety to choose from. You can find them on their website and in-store. They're affordable but still good quality.
  • Uniqlo: Known for their simple designs, Uniqlo offers nice yet inexpensive options online or at locations around the world with plenty of sizes available in men's tees and women's tanks tops as well as children's clothing too!
  • Urban Outfitters: Urban is one of those places you'll either love or hate--, but they have a lot of really cool t-shirts with quotes (and awesome prices). The trick is finding out what your style preference is before heading there, so you don't end up walking away with something you weren't looking for.
  • American Eagle Outfitters: For the more traditional, American Eagle offers plenty of options across all categories--and they are marked by price point, too, so if you have a budget, it should be pretty easy to find your size without breaking the bank!
  • Forever 21: Forever is another place that's either loved or hated because they sell cheap stuff that may not last long at all (I've had some shirts get holes within just one wash). But for those who want contemporary designs and like to shop for clothes on the cheaper side, it's a one-stop clothing destination that should have something you like.
  • Abercrombie & Fitch: Abercrombie has always been known as "the place where high schoolers shop," but if you're not into shopping at Forever 21 (or can't afford it), then this might be your next stop. They've got an assortment of styles across all categories, and most things seem to hover around $30, so there's no guilt here if you don't love what you get because chances are it was inexpensive in the first place.
  • Aeropostale: They're not known for their quality, but what they lack there is made up for by affordability and a lot of unique styles that you won't find anywhere else (or at least nowhere I've been).

A few things are questionable when it comes to fit or how well some clothes will hold up over time, so be careful with your money here if you want something more than just one-time wear. But chances are if you're looking online, then this isn't the store for you anyways--try shopping on site next time!

If you want to get your summer T-shirt preference, there are a few things that will help. First off, make sure it is not too tight or loose in the wrong spots. Chummy tees reviews give the perfect look to wear and can be bought from any of the above-mentioned places.

The fabric should be breathable and either cotton or silk for best results. It should also have the right length, around the mid-thigh at a minimum. We recommend one with sleeves because they provide more coverage than tank tops do.

Lastly, try different colors like blue or red but avoid yellow unless you plan on wearing protective clothing over top of it due to pollen allergies season starting soon! So use these tips when picking out your perfect summer t-shirt preference this year!